Pills of Knowledge videos playlist (VASC-ERN)

De VASCA-werkgroep van de VASC-ERN produceerde en verzamelde een serie informatieve video's over aangeboren vaatafwijkingen. (Lees meer over VASC-ERN bij internationale samenwerking)

Bekijk de gehele playlist op youtube

  • Classification of Vascular Anomalies
    Created by Prof. Laurence Boon (Plastic Surgeon, Coordinator of the Center for Vascular Anomalies, Cliniques Universitaires St Luc, Brussels, Belgium).
    This Pill of Knowledge (PoK) gives a brief overview of the classification of vascular anomalies. It is intended for the medical community who is not familiar with these anomalies as it introduces the main types of vascular anomalies and their characteristics. Video in English. Subtitles available in 4 European languages.
  • Diagnostic Approaches for Vascular Anomalies
    Created by Dr. Friedrich Kapp (Physician Scientist, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany).

    This Pill of Knowledge (PoK) talks about the diagnostic approaches for vascular anomalies. The various types of examination and tests involved in reaching an appropriate diagnosis are described. This PoK is a valuable tool for healthcare professionals and patients wanting to learn more about how vascular anomalies are diagnosed. Video in English. Subtitles available in 4 European languages.
  • Multi-disciplinary Expertise Teams for Vascular Anomalies
    Created by Prof. Leo Schultze Kool (Interventional Radiologist, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands).

    This Pill of knowledge (PoK) gives a brief summary of why multi-disciplinary expert teams are so necessary for the management and treatment of vascular anomalies. It is intended for the general public. Video in English. Subtitles available in 5 European languages.
  • Management of Vascular Anomalies
    Created by Dr. Kristiina Kyrklund (Pediatric Surgeon, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland)

    In this Pill of Knowledge (PoK) Dr. Kristiina Kyrklund gives an introduction on the individualized management of vascular anomalies and how the chosen treatment is based on the characteristic symptoms and location of the anomaly. Suitable for both healthcare professsionals and patients. Video in English. Subtitles available in 4 European languages.

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